I like drugs.

And I bet u guys that take these class 3 narcotics look down on smoking weed.Grandparents talk about the same stufff but at the same time,theyll take viagra,I have a feeling ALOT of you guys take viagra,if so and you look down on marijauna,I wish u hypocrites would just die.

BTW,heres a fact for ya,90% of drug addiction is thru prescription medication.I was hooked to Oxycottins(aka Hillbilly Heroine) since I was 17-21 since I was shot point blank.I begged em to prescribe marijuana,they said not in AL but to smoke it if it made me feel better.:D

And yes,the accetophetamin from the Lortabs will do nothing but give u horrible ulcers.They had me on 30 LT's 10's a day.
I tried some pain pills, and look at me now!


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Want me to post the picture proof??

I hope one day someone shoots you and you lay in a hospital bed for 3 months almost losing your leg(gun was aimed at my stomach,I pushed it down as he was pulling the trigger)Wouldve bled to death if the wound wouldnt have coterized.PHATBOOST on the board has seen the wound.Doctors told me id never have full use of my leg again.Proved em wrong,aint nothing changed on this pimp but my limp;)

Hell,ill bet my 30+ hours of tatoos hurt worse than any pain youve ever experienced Chris.

You guys are going way overboard!!!!

I know you guys have way better class then this!

Moderator please delete this thread.
I have edited the post. We will not tolerate members wishing death to another. If you would like to slander each other please do it through e-mail or a PM. :(

Please lets stay on topic. If these insults continue, it will result in a locked or deleted thread. THX:cool:
I have warned you guys. Broke 1 please take it to private or this thread will be history. :(
Originally posted by Chris McDade

Moderator please delete this thread.

Delete my toenail thread??

NEVER. This will go down in history as "The Case of the Missing Toenail." :D

And to get this thread back on it's feet, (hehehe) and since I know you're all sitting on the edges of your seats waiting for the next chapter.....

Chapter Two.

As the day progressed the pain returned. And although Chris knew he was risking a life of addiction he was forced to take his fourth pill in the afternoon.

As the pain medicine entered his bloodstream and the pain subsided Chris wiped the sweat from his eyes and the tears from his brow then lifted himself up from the kitchen floor, where his thrashing about had brought a shine to the tile, thinking, hey, I can make some money selling floor polish.

Chris hated that he'd had to succumb to the pull of the drug and he swore he'd never take another pill in his life. He threw the rest of pills in the toilet.... then spent the next 1/2 hour getting them out and drying them off, realizing that they had cost him $5.00. Finding an old empty container that had previously held his wife's birth control pills, he put them in and hoped he would remember to tell her.

With the pain gone Chris was able to soak his bloody foot and remove the bandage. The wound was now an oozing mess, a mixture of red and yellow. Gangrene had set in. Examining it closer Chris realized it wasn't gangrene, he had just found his ketchp and mustard sandwich from yesterday that he'd been eating while he had bandaged his toe.

"Ah good," he smililngly chuckled as he carefully pried the sandwich off and put it on a plate, now knowing his supper was prepared.

He turned the bandage over and tied it back around the big toe. It stayed in place quite nicely since the ketchup was partially dried out and made a nice glue.

During this rebandage job Chris had been sitting in his easy chair, which he lovingly called Baaaaaa, named after his first girlfriend. It was one of those easy chairs that you have to lean on the back of the cushion to get it to recline, but this particular chair was somewhat broken so the method to use to get it to recline was for the sittee to put his foot under the footrest and lift up on that. When Chris did that, of course forgetting his toe was mangled, the intense pain was immediate and irrevocable. Chris screamed out loud, his body straightened up and it pushed against the back of the chair. The chair reclined; Chris fell back. As fate would ironically dictate, the big toe on his other foot, the good foot, was now pinched inbetween the scissor type braces that held the footrest to the chair.

Chris' little brain was now so enraged with pain from both feet that he passed out.

He lay there until his wife came home from her jobs, (she used to only have one job until Chris kindly got her a second job, a paper route so she would have something to do on her way to her first job,) and found Chris laying there, still passed out and close to death.

Chris' wife ran to the neighbor's house to use their phone since they always paid their bill and their phone was still working, and phoned 911. The dispatcher asked what the emergency was and Chris' wife frantically yelled that her husband was passed out and laying on Baaaaaaaa. There was a silence, then the dispatcher icily told her not to joke around on a 911 line and hung up.

Chris' wife ran back to make sure Chris was still breathing and found he had revived and was now sitting up comfortably, eating his mustard and ketchup sandwich. However, with horror, she also noticed there were a pair of big toes sticking out from between the slices of bread in Chris' sandwich.

"Aaaaahhhhhhgggggg," screamed Chris' wife. "What are those things you're eating?"

"Nothing fancy" replied Chris, I decided I wanted my sandwich toested."
OK,back on topic,ive eaten over 50 LT's in 1 day before they put me on 4 OC 80's a day.

I wouldnt touch a pain pill unless I was dying in agony,literally.It starts out small and the next thing you know,youre hooked because theyre easy to get.

I bet there are alot here addicted to them and they dont even know it.Take em for over 30 days,once daily,youre addicted and will go thru withdrawals.
With being sick during my vacation and Dimebag Darrell being killed, I was having a real rough day. Then I read Chris' chapter 2 and had to laugh. Thanks Chris, I needed cheering up. :( :)
Originally posted by broke1
OK,back on topic,ive eaten over 50 LT's in 1 day before they put me on 4 OC 80's a day.

I wouldnt touch a pain pill unless I was dying in agony,literally.It starts out small and the next thing you know,youre hooked because theyre easy to get.

I bet there are alot here addicted to them and they dont even know it.Take em for over 30 days,once daily,youre addicted and will go thru withdrawals.

If you have eaten over 50 Lortab's in a given day, you would have taken at the least 16,250mg of acetaminophen (Tylenol) given that the strength of the LT's were 325mg each. The maximum daily amount of Tylenol in a whole day should not exceed more than 4000mg. So if this is true (which it is probably not given that everyone knows you're a f*cking idiot and habitual liar), you took over 4 times the lethal amount, in addition to being so comatose that I'm surprised you would even think to begin that you actually remember this day. Also, if a doctor actually prescribed you 30 Lortabs 10mg each PER DAY, :D
Hey Chris, glad you had some good drugs left over to help out that pain, next time try some Morphine thru an I.V.:D :D :D . It's the greatest, makes percocet look like a tylenol! It's a shame it makes your arm hurt for months afterward..........
chris---next time your feeling pain. go sit in the garage with the car running and count to 1,898,090. :eek:
Chris my boy, you missed your calling, you should be named
Chris Cussler, after my favorite author Clive.

Originally posted by LV GN
chris---next time your feeling pain. go sit in the garage with the car running and count to 1,898,090. :eek:

Oh sure....as if any of my cars will actually start.

Originally posted by ronbuick
Chris my boy, you missed your calling, you should be named
Chris Cussler, after my favorite author Clive.


I remember seeing one of Clive's books on the store shelf. It was entitled,

"How To Accept The New Len After The First Half Of His Sex Change Operation Is Completed."

Oh, and for anyone who is following the saga of the Bigtoe .........I had to go back to the doc today....the friggin thing is infected. I'm now on Keflex, an antibiotic. NOWHERE NEAR as much fun as Hydrocodone. :)