I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Pandering to special interest groups. Check out the bill for the Paris Accord is gonna cost the tax payers. Trump warned you about your taxes going up. Anyone that thinks climate change is real failed geography 101. The world is cyclical.
52K Blue collar jobs lost today, with the stroke of a pen.
Just wait till he nixes oil fracking. He promised he was gonna bankrupt the US. He's keeping his promise.
Idiot voters need to feel the pain before they realize how great President Trump is (Note; not "was"). Unfortunately, the rest of us get to pay for their idiocracy as well.
Idiot voters need to feel the pain before they realize how great President Trump is (Note; not "was"). Unfortunately, the rest of us get to pay for their idiocracy as well.
Those tax cuts you guys enjoyed under Trump have a time frame...that's getting close to expiring. I wonder if Biden will extend them for you...
If he hadn't, do you really think the scum now running the show, would have done it?

Not surprising but looks like nothing has been released yet. Read the old bat squaw, nancy, called the intel agency and told them to not do it until congress had a chance to look at it. If true, how. She thinks she's the president, maybe she is now.
That is so awesome!
But another hypothetical reason could be that they were ordered to turn their backs, that way if someone was to fire on him, they would know right away.
I like YOUR reason better! (y)

Stop, like they'd say anything even if they did. Bet they would make an opening for a nice clear path. :LOL:
Idiot voters need to feel the pain before they realize how great President Trump is (Note; not "was"). Unfortunately, the rest of us get to pay for their idiocracy as well.

The old pos lost by 20 million votes, the ones that voted for him don't care because they've never had to pay taxes, just collect taxpayer paid free handouts.
But hey, the DemonRats cheated fair and square.