Women's March

"Maybe they are marching because they don't know how to drive. I don't know"
_Donald J. Trump

It's being widely reported that the vast majority were too fat and out of shape...and couldn't finish the march.
It's funny that not one of the people I saw interviewed seemed to know what they were marching for. A couple said "Women Rights". I turned to my wife and asked her "Since when don't women have rights in our country?" Others said they were protesting Turmp's policies. Lest they forget he's been the President for one day so which policies are we talking about? It is good that they got out and did some exercise though.

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Majority of those protesters are non-voting Dumb-o-crats. The women have absolutely no decency or respect for the children in crowd they brought along. They've got obscene signs with vulgar messages and/or pictures on them and are shouting all kinds of profanities. What terrific role models, where's the parental supervision at?
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Moderators, please move this to the political section.
The original posting was intended to be a joke. Not a political statement. :whistle:

I thought all the posts resulting from the original were sort of meant to be "tongue in cheek" comments :D...... Well, except for that one.......

Gee Whiz, where did all this demanded "tolerance" stuff disappear to?
Don't know what's worse... The several thousand pairs of over-stuffed yoga pants, or the XXXXL thongs & hip hugger jeans. :vomit:

There should be a law... If your waist exceeds so many inches, no spandex allowed!
I can't watch those types of videos.

Its much like being exposed to that annoying noise known as (C)Rap.

I just want to seek out & destroy the source.
We get it ~JM~ you love Trump.

Now back to more important things like....Turbo Buicks!!