Need to name my boat

My step dad had this little 20ft cuddy boat that ALWAYS broke down and got caught in the weeds. He lettered it
"Land Boat"

Once he was out in the river with some friends and the boat was taking in water from the rear. They all decided they were gonna rename the boat
"Sink Or Swim".........more of a caution form passengers before entering.

I always said if I had a boat I would want to give it a ladys name like
"Foxy Contin"
ive always wanted to name a boat the Marcus Garvey....

I like the cunning stunts though.. lmao!
For the Tuna Guy up the road has his Trophy with that on it cracks me up. :biggrin:
Name your boat

Holy F%&$ that is funny!! I think this might be the one. Where did you find that? Now i need to find the font they use and someone to photo shop it on my boat to see it:D

Actually anyone that knows me knows I can come up with some crazy $hit :wink:

I don't know where I came up with it but it might have been from watching The Deadliest Catch and thinking of an ex girlfriend or two :biggrin:
An ex-girlfriend or two???? How badly were you wounded!:rolleyes:

But your suggestion "THE DEADLIEST SNATCH" is great....nasty as hell, but sure is funny. Would be hard to explain to the kiddies in other boats around the channel....might catch a black eye from a captain or two....

Bruce '87 Grand National
Piss Bucket

because all you do is piss $ away into it.;) that is what we were going to name ours, but we settled on a modified Ron White saying.

"They Call Me"... Nanner Puddin

An ex-girlfriend or two???? How badly were you wounded!:rolleyes:

But your suggestion "THE DEADLIEST SNATCH" is great....nasty as hell, but sure is funny. Would be hard to explain to the kiddies in other boats around the channel....might catch a black eye from a captain or two....

Bruce '87 Grand National

It was a figure of speech for entertainment purposes lol

Could say Catch was already taken :eek: