Len Freeman, is this how you treat your customers? long.

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Put yourself in there shoes.....You spend $2500 for a trans thats not what it is supposed to be and when you come on one of the few sites on the internet that should care,you have people talking for the guy who burnt you and blaming you basically....

All these people using the word friend asking ????'s,whats Lens side??You have to know if youre really his friends...Heres an idea "friends" of Freeman,get your buddy to call John!!!!

Take it easy there friend. Just trying to get at the facts here.
It's amazing how plainly this reads to a relative newcomer to our site. Thank you for this post. Now, get ready for the attack of the lap dogs.
OK. This is my assessment of the situation.

For $2,500, there should have been at the very least a billet forward drum, if in fact it was to be used in a 9 sec. car. Any other billet parts is up for argument, but for only $2,500 at least the billet forward drum.

OD pack should have been 3 frictions.

I would have increased the direct pack count too.

All I see, damage wise, is damage caused by a simple cross circuit leak of some sort. Not a serious problem. The most basic really. By the descriptions given by everyone, I was expecting much worse. If this is the first time you guys have seen directs go that quickly in a malfunctioning unit, you haven't seen many failures and you're in for a bit of a learning curve. This was really a very minor type of failure. It doesn't get much less.

This whole thing should have been a minor setback. I have tried to speak things as straight and plain as possible without exaggerating anything. I am not a tranny guy, so I am relaying information from the (second) person that built it. But I hardly think that what I paid for is in it. But thank you for acknowledging that the very least was not even done in your opinion.
OK. This is my assessment of the situation.

For $2,500, there should have been at the very least a billet forward drum, if in fact it was to be used in a 9 sec. car. Any other billet parts is up for argument, but for only $2,500 at least the billet forward drum.

OD pack should have been 3 frictions.

I would have increased the direct pack count too.

All I see, damage wise, is damage caused by a simple cross circuit leak of some sort. Not a serious problem. The most basic really. By the descriptions given by everyone, I was expecting much worse. If this is the first time you guys have seen directs go that quickly in a malfunctioning unit, you haven't seen many failures and you're in for a bit of a learning curve. This was really a very minor type of failure. It doesn't get much less.
I'm interested to hear your response once the invoice (from KURTZ) is posted....No doubt you are knowledeable on tranny workings and internals, so I'm very curious to hear your thoughts on the assessment of another tranny (professional) guru who is a TOTALLY and COMPLETELY uninvested party in this entire ordeal.....
OK. This is my assessment of the situation.

For $2,500, there should have been at the very least a billet forward drum, if in fact it was to be used in a 9 sec. car. Any other billet parts is up for argument, but for only $2,500 at least the billet forward drum.

OD pack should have been 3 frictions.

I would have increased the direct pack count too.

All I see, damage wise, is damage caused by a simple cross circuit leak of some sort. Not a serious problem. The most basic really. By the descriptions given by everyone, I was expecting much worse. If this is the first time you guys have seen directs go that quickly in a malfunctioning unit, you haven't seen many failures and you're in for a bit of a learning curve. This was really a very minor type of failure. It doesn't get much less.

I agree, i don't remember saying much else about the tranny, burnt clutches, both direct and OD, stock hard parts and supposedly a stock OD ring gear that is cracked. These are all pretty serious for what it was supposed to be. Yes im sure you have seen much worse, and as i stated earlier I have built just over 10-12 trannys so no i haven't seen everything that can happen, but there were tell-tale signs of mis-used parts like i stated earlier.....

"and the steel that sat on top of the apply ring in the direct drum. The steel had a ring worn into it from the apply ring yet for some reason both sides were burnt and hot spotted.... hmmm."

about the terminology, thats fine, i typed really fast and called a part something else... shoot me.... I don't plan on being an expert witness in threads like these, i just ended up looking at the parts and giving my opinion.
Instead of quoting everyone and replying to each individual post, I'll issue a blanket statement.

Without a doubt, I am sure that many of the points you all have made (Otto J, DonWG and scot w.) are valid. However, CSI or not, none of us can be sure the progression of events that would unfold should this ordeal progress to a court case.

And absolutely, facts are strong determinents when substantiating accusations. However, facts (in the form of paperwork or otherwise) are not always available. That's when the discretion and critical thinking ability of a judge (and possibly jury) come in to play....

Further more.....Yes, without a bill of sale from Len stating EXACTLY what parts were used when building his transmission, our case is somewhat hampered. However, it's at that point that the expertise of other tranny builders can, and most likely would, be called in to play in order to substantiate our claim that our $2,500 tranny should have included higher quality parts and that the tranny's construction should have been more solid from the beginning.

Also, "if" (it's a big "if", but it might address some questions) the question is raised doubting that the transmission was initially built by Len in the 1st place, credit card statements of my own and sales records of Len can be called upon for review. What a pain that would be for both parties!!! :(

All the above takin' into consideration, one still must wonder "why" Len hasn't made even ONE SOLID attempt at contact with either Stu or myself....? He has the option of a phone call, a letter, a private message, an open thread reponse, a second hand message yelled across his shop to his g/f over the phone.......right on down to a text message, and yet NOTHING! :confused:

Even more confusing is that the initial interaction between Len, Stu and myself was just as solid and "friendly" as I would expect from any initial honest interaction between buyer and seller. For that reason alone, the question that everyone might have on their mind, above and beyond specifics of the tranny build, is the EXACT question that runs through Stu's and my mind constantly....."Where did all this go wrong?" Geez, if only for that question to be answered.....

AGAIN, both Stu and I sincerely do not want, wish, hope, desire or strive for this all to progress to a court case. Quite honestly, that is why the word "if" has been used so frequently when discussing the possible escalation of all this to such a degree as we are still uncertain what our next course of action will be. It does seem as though it will not be solved any other way except through a judge, be it in our favor or not. Any way we go, we might be out of money and luck as the judge is certainly not guaranteed to rule in our favor. So yeah, while to some it may seem to be in the bag, there are (obviously) others who still realize that this could go either way.

Frustrating indeed........
You haven't been to small claims court much, have you? It is the burden of the prosecution to come up with the proof of wrong doing. The judge takes those little papers, such as invoices, very, very seriously. It is the proof that you had any kind of contract with Len at all! The judge is not going to take "your word for it". Good luck guys.
This whole thing should have been a minor setback. I have tried to speak things as straight and plain as possible without exaggerating anything. I am not a tranny guy, so I am relaying information from the (second) person that built it. But I hardly think that what I paid for is in it. But thank you for acknowledging that the very least was not even done in your opinion.

You're welcome.
I agree, i don't remember saying much else about the tranny, burnt clutches, both direct and OD, stock hard parts and supposedly a stock OD ring gear that is cracked. These are all pretty serious for what it was supposed to be. Yes im sure you have seen much worse, and as i stated earlier I have built just over 10-12 trannys so no i haven't seen everything that can happen, but there were tell-tale signs of mis-used parts like i stated earlier.....

"and the steel that sat on top of the apply ring in the direct drum. The steel had a ring worn into it from the apply ring yet for some reason both sides were burnt and hot spotted.... hmmm."

about the terminology, thats fine, i typed really fast and called a part something else... shoot me.... I don't plan on being an expert witness in threads like these, i just ended up looking at the parts and giving my opinion.
I've seen plates burn bad enough to show on the other side. You have to look closer to see if a plate had been rubbing it.
You haven't been to small claims court much, have you? It is the burden of the prosecution to come up with the proof of wrong doing. The judge takes those little papers, such as invoices, very, very seriously. It is the proof that you had any kind of contract with Len at all! The judge is not going to take "your word for it". Good luck guys.
No, I "haven't been to small claims court much", and sincerely hope to maintain that track record. For all I know, you may be correct. I can be as forthcoming as the next guy when I admit that we may not have all that it will take to win a court case. Quite honestly, we never even considered the possibility of anything like this happening, much less with Len Freeman, a renown and very much respected contributor to the entire Buick community. For our assumption in the form of no preface prior to our build request from Len and our lack of concern when the tranny arrived with no invoice, we may be out our $2,500. In that case, as was stated earlier, all we are left with might be an expensive "learning experience".
Im as easy as can be,it does make me mad that most of you are trying to seem like this is the buyers fault for spending $2500 with Len and trusting him that hed get somthing to last AND WHAT HE PAID FOR!!!!SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD CUSTOMER TO ME:confused:

Seems to me that the people in the Buick world that should be held to a higher standard,the ones who make there living at this and are supposedly professionals,are NEVER held to a higher standard and its always the customers fault automatically because they dont do this for a living:confused:

Doesnt take the worlds smartest man to see the logic behind that is flawed.Some people just cant see the forest because of all the trees.Not the first or last time this will happen in the Buick community though.....

You can calm down now. I think everyone has a better picture of things now. We're just missing Len's input.
Verbal contract??

As far as anyone not taking anyones word,I wonder how many people will plunk down good $$$$ with Len now that he charged $2500 for a trans that was supposed to have the "good stuff" in it but was stock as a rock?Ill bet not many....were all aware that mistakes can be made and I think thats almost what these guys were looking for,maybe Len coming on here and saying "we sent the wrong trans" or somthing.These customers wouldve took Len at his word,they seemed very anxious too,he couldve fixed the trans,and this thread would be over.Instead,he ignores the problem.Thats not classy,thats classless and he wasnt very smart at all letting it go down like this.Im sure hes lost a ton of future buisness and the longer he drags this out,he might even lose more!

I hope this teaches everyone to get 'itemized' invoices.
We're just missing Len's input.
That, and a copy of the invoice from KURTZ...I believe that'll shed a LOT of light on "things".....Again Don, I sincerely look fwd to your take on KURTZ's assessment of the tranny by way of his invoice when it is posted.
The only way you could possibly hope for a chance in court would be if Len backed up everything you claimed verbally to the judge about having Len build the trans for a 9 second car and the price that he charged you. Also the warranty deal and the parts that were supposed to be in it. Hmmm. You're going to have a tough time of it.
That, and a copy of the invoice from KURTZ...I believe that'll shed a LOT of light on "things".....Again Don, I sincerely look fwd to your take on KURTZ's assessment of the tranny by way of his invoice when it is posted.

I'd be happy to.

I'm spent. Bye for now.
OK. This is my assessment of the situation.

For $2,500, there should have been at the very least a billet forward drum, if in fact it was to be used in a 9 sec. car. Any other billet parts is up for argument, but for only $2,500 at least the billet forward drum.

OD pack should have been 3 frictions.

I would have increased the direct pack count too.

All I see, damage wise, is damage caused by a simple cross circuit leak of some sort. Not a serious problem. The most basic really. By the descriptions given by everyone, I was expecting much worse. If this is the first time you guys have seen directs go that quickly in a malfunctioning unit, you haven't seen many failures and you're in for a bit of a learning curve. This was really a very minor type of failure. It doesn't get much more minor than this.

Someone really should have called Len before taking it to the track to finish trashing out the direct clutches. What did you really expect to find. You sensed there was a problem and then put full load to it until it was gone. Not a smart move.

So what I get from this, is that the tranny had a problem when they got it and that the parts in it were not up to snuff if it was going into a 9 sec. car.

I don't know what the prices are for a bullet proof tranny but even $2,500. sounds on the high side for a stock tranny rebuild.

Even if they got what Len figures is a $2,500 tranny,it still failed and he stopped talking to them. I don't care what his side of the story is but to just ignore them is a sh#tty way to handle a problem in bussiness. I personally think that's as much of the problem here as anything.

This may not hurt his bussiness for the guys that faithful to him but I'm sure somebody who reads this will be looking around before going to him. I would and I have a friend who has one of Len's trannies. He couldn't have been happier with how he was treated.
No, that doesn't invalidate your opinion. That shows me that your cost of doing business is drastically different than Len's. So your input into how much a person should have to spend for a transmission is mute, since you truly don't have an idea of what it costs to maintain a facility.

Forget about the unit having a pressure problem or internal defect, but baised on your observation, what should he have been charged in your opinion?
I just see a vendor that offered to fix the trans and it was never sent back for him to do so!

And even after it has been explained to you numerous times you keep coming in posting "You should have just shipped it even though he no longer took your phone calls and the people answering the phone said he doesn't work there anymore. You still should have just shipped. All would be fine if you would have just shipped it to him. He would have fixed it if you would have just shipped it" :rolleyes:
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