

Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
We had a death in the family last week and Saturday was the funeral. As I'm pulling into an intersection after the funeral, some chump runs a red light and plows into my driver side fender. My 83 year old grandfather was in the car with me but had only minor injuries. I was unhurt.

The car, on the other hand, is hurt pretty good. The upper control arm bent, allowing the ball joint to push into the frame, denting it. There's a possibility that the frame has a slight twist too, but there's no way to know prior to putting it on a rack. Both doors open fine (both need a repaint though from scraping the fenders) so that's good. Hood is savable, as is passenger fender. Radiator support is tweaked, bumper crunched and of course the header panel is destroyed. Inner fenderwell too. The A/C hose (the original black one, with R12!) broke as well as the power steering resevoir. Damage estimates so far from the insurance companies are $4800 and $5200.

The loser has Geico, but is trying to say that I ran the red light, not him. Since the crash took place in my patrol zone and my buddy handled it, they're saying that the cop's word is biased and are relying on witnesses. Either way, it should work out alright, as the witnesses saw him run it.




stuff like this makes me sick, i hope it all works out for ya

i had some people cut me off and slam their brakes to get me to rear end them then they all claimed heart trouble and junk like that to get money out of me.

lucky there was a witness that stopped, or i woulda been screwed, only being 18 and driving a camaro

Man hope it turns out good for you, I hate people like that. The one that is at fault, is never at fault and always acuses the other driver of the accident. Ask me how I know, some illegal jackass here in CA did the exact same thing to me. He also didn't have insurance:mad:, license etc. But, lucky for me I did and it all turned out ok in the end. Good Luck and sporting the GN at a funeral:) A real class act :cool:
Looks pretty fixable to me. I say you pocket the insurance money, have the frame straightened (if bent) and do the rest of the work yourself. The front end is just bolt on parts and you'll probably have enought left to get yourself a nice paintjob if done right. :p
Makes you wonder how some people even get a license in the first place doesnt it? You keep your nose clean, and all it takes it some moron who isnt paying attention to ruin it for you.
I had a close call in a funeral procession myself. People are in such a hurry to get somewhere, they have no respect.
wow, that totally sucks.sorry to hear it. didnt you have another buick that was totally stripped or something{stolen}. thats some bad luck. hope you make out good through insurance and get the car looking good as new.
Man, thats why I hardly ever drive my car, because of idiots like that! I hate it for you:( I would go ahead and try and find some of the parts (like the header panel) now, that will speed things up some when you get the car to the shop. Good Luck buddy!
Finally got the other guys' insurance money to send me a check...they estimated it at $5666 to repair! Hopefully the frame isn't tweaked, though it IS dimpled from the ball joint.
You could easily fix it for that money.

I bought a parts GN for 1500 that had everything but didn't run. I used the front clip off of it and sold the car for the same price. Do something similar and use the remaining amount of money to buy a killer paint job or do upgrades. :)

Yeah, I can definitely get it fixed for less than that. I just got my Charger, so my time is been devoted to that. The car has a brand new paint job on it, so it's set. If I can get it fixed for $4k, then I'll be content.

Lost my R12 charge though. :(