WOW! makes some dough


May 29, 2001
In this thread about GMHTP feature car owner Rob Raymer (um, let's just say he's not well respected) someone pipes in a comment about the income of

94 Vendors @ $125/month = $141,000 / year gross

Not bad for a part time job that you have the moderators run for you for free. They also mention that the moderators get smokin deals on parts and services. That true here?
Subtract the fee for the website, the fee the have to pay the guy who made the bulletin program, and the server that hosts it all and you don't end up with that much money.
Bandwidth and hosting is a max of $10K/year - the board software is a one time expense of $500 - there is going to be tax on the earnings but it is still a considerable chunk of cash, especially when you consider most site operators also own multiple sites...
not true. i moderate and get no special treatment.

Hell even Nick Micale dont even give me a discount. he treats me like a red headed step child! but its ok i enjoy the abuse :)

aint that right Nick!
I'm a moderator here (Parts Wanted! What!), and I don't get any discounts.

That would be cool though. :cool: :D

Believe me, I'm not above begging for money. For a few months, my AIM Profile was:

Hi, I'm Shane Smith, and I approved the following message:

Remember that time you and Shane went to that place?
How about that time that you and Shane did that thing?
Man, you and Shane really pissed that guy off!
I can't believe that you and Shane got away with that!

Wouldn't you like to see Shane again? We know you would! That's why we are accepting donations to the
Buy Shane a Plane Ticket to Come Home Fund

Send any and all donations via Paypal.

Well, my friends back home donated $30 for me to fly home on leave. $30! Can't beat that. I might make a good panhandler one day. :cool: :D :cool: :D :cool:
Originally posted by Nashty
GMHTP feature car owner Rob Raymer (um, let's just say he's not well respected)

He gets no respect from me either...we had a deal all worked out for a complete rear end,we were both researching the best shipping,then he just falls off the face of the planet.Tried everything,phone,e-mail, dice.

What a flaky ass way to run a business...:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Nashty
............................ part time job that you have the moderators run for you for free. They also mention that the moderators get smokin deals on parts and services. That true here?

:D :D :D

What we do receive is some complaints and some biching if we delete a stupid or off-topic post, or do not allow editing a post after 10 minutes, or other stuff.

It is balanced by the MANY times that member thanks us for doing, or trying, to do a good job.

As far as Grim's abuse, he get no more than my kid does!:) Only when he deserves it,
Re: Re: WOW! makes some dough

Originally posted by Nick Micale
:D :D :D


As far as Grim's abuse, he get no more than my kid does!:) Only when he deserves it,

i really thought i had more respect then that from you... well only a LITTLE more.. hahahahahah!
Their traffic is alot and they do pay someone to administer the software and hardware side of the site. Not only that but there are two main owners of that site. Now believe me its not all fun and games to get that many companys to pay and to pay on time.

That being said it does bring in a decent coin, but noone is living off it.