Woke Up This Morning....

Yes, Virginia, there IS a political section here.....

I believe you are given the opportunity to make it a part of your TB experience when joining.

In addition, I'm old and I could be wrong, but I also remember a time not too long ago that the "political" section was split off of the main menu and was made voluntary to members due to so much acrimony amongst many board members.

Then again, I could be wrong.........

I will say this, I do not dare go there........
Hmm. I don't remember that. Doesn't really matter I guess, I'm not easily offended and really care more about getting BJ's and dodging std's.
Just you watch, some blithering idiot is going to cry foul and turn in a hurt feelings report and traffic guy will lose his job.
Hopefully that "hurt feelings" type of nonsense will not be tolerated much longer.
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