Wind noise in a t-top


addicted to boost........
Sep 27, 2006
Window and t-top seals are in ok shape.
When i hit about 75mph i start to get really bad wind noise.
It sounds like its comming from right in front of me. I don't know where to start.
should i just repalce all the rubber on the car or is there a place to look first?
its not bad around town (under 60:p )
just when i really get onit.

thanks in advance.:D
Rumor has it you can adjust it using the "wind leaks and rattles" window/ttop adjusting pamphlet. I, however just live with it. You own a car with a massive section of its roof missing, tied together by a small beam in the center. Don't forget the flimsy frame aspect either.

If it's doesn't leak till above 70, you are one of the lucky ones.
I too have a t-top car and have tried to eliminate the high speed wind noise. If you get it figured out let me know. I replaced all seals with OE GM stuff, adjusted window guides inside door, adjusted t-top panel it self to give a tighter seal. All of this and then some "shimming" of the new seals with some body putty where they didn't snug up to the glass the way I wanted, and still get a good amount of wind noise. If you know exactly where the leak is the body putty works OK. I got this from a friend that works in a body shop. He calls it dumb-dumb. Just black putty about the consistancy of silly putty. I rolled this into a thin strip and tucked a little of this behind the seal where I could hear the air leak. Over all this stuff helped but did not eliminate. :mad:
I did every that TR87386 did, didn't change a thing. Had a whistling noise right at 70mph. I just put up with it for 12 years and turned the radio up. Could never find it. Tried everything I could think of. Never found it.
Vic, the stuff is called Butal Tape I think. I belive it is used in windshield installations. My bud paints cars for a living at a production shop. He gave me the idea. It comes on a roll with backing tape that you would peal off. Just take 6" of the stuff and ball it up and roll it into the shape/length u want and tuck it up behind the seal so it just pushes it out a little.
The first thing you have to do is find the leak. Get some duct tape and start applying it until you get it quiet. After you find the noise, start making the area smaller until you can pin point the problem area. (there may be more than one place) Although it has been covered, check to see if your windows are being sucked out from the seal at high speed (you can tape it down also). I have gotten mine quiet to 150 MPH, but then my seals have worn out and I will have to start again. My final fix (after adjusting) was to pressure fill the T-top seals with a flex sealer. Before doing that you had better make sure everything is where you want it.
I tried one summer to to the tape thing, used electrical tape. Put it on every place that I thought could make wind noise. I gave up after 3 months. :(
Heath, don't know if you were kidding but it sure brighten my day. You can only use duct tape, any plastic tape can make it's own noise (I can rattle your teeth with elec. tape). If you don't find noise in the t top try your moldings. Noise can come from your front windshield or even your mirrors. A wind noise is caused by something causing just the right high or low pressure area. Once you find it then you can fix it. DO NOT LEAVE DUCT TAPE ON FOR ANY LONG PERIOD and keep it out of the sun. (done my share of cleaning dried crap off of paint)
Yeah, I used that, duct tape, and putty. Never found it. Anyway, it's a mute point now. That car is sitting in my garage. It only needs a frame and a front clip. :mad: :mad: :mad: If you want to find out why, do a search for "don't let her drive" using the quotes.