will a 4" pipe fit over the axle?


New Member
Dec 15, 2003
just wondering if anyone has sucessfully routed a 4" exhuast all the way out back over the rear end? The car is at stock ride height.
I havn't done it with 4" but I built the 3" system that's on my car now. 4" will fit but the hard part will be bending a radius short enough to fit in the area over the axle. Plenty of vertical clearance for axle movement but clearance front to rear will be tight. Are you making this from 4"material already bent or do you plan on bending it yourself?
if i do attempt it the bends going over the axle will be cut from 4" tubing donuts....so if they arent tight enough bends i doubt anything will work.

Don't know about 4" but for what it's worth I have a 3.5" single shot and it fits over the axle.

Charles Brooks
Originally posted by Brooks
Don't know about 4" but for what it's worth I have a 3.5" single shot and it fits over the axle.

Charles Brooks

thats good to know, i would definately settle for a 3.5" if the 4" doesnt work out.