Why Muslims Want To Die! Lol


TBcom Admin /Prayers NYFD/NYPD
May 24, 2001
Posted March, 2003

Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim terrorists are so willing to
commit suicide.

Let's see now: No beer, No booze, No bars, No bikinis, No television, No
cheerleaders, No baseball, No football, No basketball, No hockey, No golf,
No tailgate parties, No Hooters, No pork BBQ, No hot dogs, No burgers, No
lobster, No shellfish, or even frozen fish sticks.
No Stacked & Packed Calendar to count down the remaining days of your
miserable life. A 'thong' is something you wear on your feet. Rags for
clothes and towels for hats. Constant wailing from the guy next door
because he's sick and there are no doctors. Constant wailing from the guy
in the tower. No chocolate chip cookies, No Thanksgiving, No Christmas.
You can't shave, Your wife can't shave, You can't shower to wash off the
stench of your donkey cooked over burning camel dung. The women have to wear
baggy dresses and veils at all times.
Your bride is chosen by someone else. She smells just like your donkey. But
your donkey has a better disposition.

Worst of all, NO FREEDOM, to speak, act, or even think for yourself. 90% of
your measly paycheck is taken by the government. Then they tell you that
when you die it all gets better!
No mystery there.....DOH!

Dying is the only thing they got...:D
Whiskey. And sexy !

per NY Times article,
NAJAF, Iraq, April 2 — In the giddy spirit of the day, nothing could quite top the wish list bellowed out by one man in the throng of people greeting American troops from the 101st Airborne Division who marched into town today.

What, the man was asked, did he hope to see now that the Baath Party had been driven from power in his town? What would the Americans bring?

"Democracy," the man said, his voice rising to lift each word to greater prominence. "Whiskey. And sexy!"

Around him, the crowd roared its approval.
Good Grief,I can't say I blame them.If I had to live without everything WE4 mentioned and without my GNs I'm not so sure I'd want to live either.:eek: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by WE4

Let's see now: No beer, No booze, No bars, No bikinis, No television, No
cheerleaders, No baseball, No football, No basketball, No hockey, No golf,
No tailgate parties, No Hooters, No pork BBQ, No hot dogs, No burgers, No


Dying is the only thing they got...:D

You forgot.....

No oral sex, no sex with the light on, no sex with a nekkid partner, gotta wonder if you're really having sex with yer wife since they wear a rag over their face...not that it matters...least their having sex with something without body hair and that doesnt go baahhhhhhhhhh...
He he he!

Jim T. said:
"You forgot.....

No oral sex, no sex with the light on, no sex with a nekkid partner, gotta wonder if you're really having sex with yer wife since they wear a rag over their face...not that it matters...least their having sex with something without body hair and that doesnt go baahhhhhhhhhh"...

This comment was OBVIOUSLY NOT directed toward Cairns!!!!


:p :p :p :D
When Chuck Leeper was young he headed west to seek his fortune. He finally settled in a ranching town in Texas.

There weren't too many women in Texas that far back in American history, and when Chuck got horny he went to the saloon to ask what the men did for "relief." After a couple of sort of nervous, whispered conversations, it came out that the local men used the sheep.

Well, our Chuckie wasn't real happy about that, but he was really desperate. He bought a bottle to nerve himself up. He went and found the nearest flock, and decided that if he was going to do this at all, he was going to do it right. He spent most of the afternoon picking out the prettiest sheep in the flock. He shampooed her wool and tied ribbons around her neck. He put a little bell on her collar. He was also getting pretty drunk. By evening he was done cleaning up the sheep and not thinking very clearly. He was so proud of the way the sheep looked he decided to take her into town and show her off at the saloon.

When he walked into the saloon with the sheep the room got very quiet. Everybody was staring at Chuck. And not just staring, but kinda recoiling in shock and horror. Even though drunk and ashamed, he blurted out,

"Whassamada, I thought ever'body used sheep?"

Finally, one old timer piped up. "Yeah, boy, but you got Steve Wood's girlfriend."