Who had the yellow primer top gn at the Nats?


Gone In Sixty
May 30, 2001
I was very impressed with the Yellow primer top Gn with the twin turbo, it looked like a everyday car each time i seen it it went from a 10.7 to 10.1 not bad for a car that is not tubbed and it seems to be able to drive on the street....so who car was that?
Twin turbo yellow topper

That would be John and Tony from ESP Performance. #610-970-8944
I am glad to hear that they had some solid numbers put down. That's a sweet set-up.
I saw it too, seemed to have a vynal roof remove and in primer.

The car was quick and nice and quiet!

Thanks for the support guys! As you saw, we were on our way to the 9's with our street car. Unfortunately we throw the governor spring and rode the rev limiter during Super 16 Eliminations. Tony had to lift on the 1-2 shift and get back into it. His R.T. and 60's got us pretty far that day. We'll be back to the tracks in PA, NJ, and MD. Aaahhh racing. :biggrin:
Just to let you know your car won me some money:biggrin: , my friend did not see what was under the hood :tongue: ...i think he was betting on looks
We were hunting around for a photo of the car, but we were busy with the racing and never got over to the photo trailer. Does/did anyone have a launch photo of our car?
twin turbo setup on that" ligar "car
What is a "Ligar" car? Was it intended to be Tiger?? ('cause of the primer and guide coat)
Thank you,
What is a "Ligar" car? Was it intended to be Tiger?? ('cause of the primer and guide coat)
Thank you,
no defence on the ligar comment- you car and set up was fantastic plus fast as hell.

have you ever seen the movie Napolian Dynamite?(sp)

he drew this mythical half tiger thing and it just popped into my head at the track.
Never heard of the movie. I guess I've got to see it now.

Thank you for the compliment. With our transmission being fixed, as we speak, we expect to have better times and MPH very soon.

We were hunting around for a photo of the car, but we were busy with the racing and never got over to the photo trailer. Does/did anyone have a launch photo of our car?

What is a "Ligar" car? Was it intended to be Tiger?? ('cause of the primer and guide coat)
Thank you,

I was really only at the track for super 16 and big gun shoot out times due to my laptop being the only thing that could work with Allen Livermans car. With that said, I did manage to take a picture from behind of your car launching. Sorry, its all I got.

What is a "Ligar" car? Was it intended to be Tiger?? ('cause of the primer and guide coat)
Thank you,

"a liger is a mix between a lion and a tiger breed for its skills and magic, its pretty much my favorite animal"
-Napoleon Dynamite
"a liger is a mix between a lion and a tiger breed for its skills and magic, its pretty much my favorite animal"
-Napoleon Dynamite
I guess that suites us well then. We are a mixture of a streetcar and a racecar. We only intended to get "into" the 10s with this set-up. That happened easier than we expected and now we are looking at the 9s.
Maybe we should re-think our paint layout. ??!?
