Which Subframe Connectors ?


New Member
Jan 22, 2003
I'm getting ready to buy Subframe connectors for my TTA and was thinking of the ones that John's Performance sell( Global West ). Is this a good choice? The car has a 3" DP(not sure what brand) and I've heard that this can be a problem. What do you guys recommend?

Search. there is lots of info.

My car has GW subframes and I 60' in the 1.5 - 1.6 range.
You have to cut the down pipe for them to fit.

I believe the variability in these downpipes is a factor. Seems like everyone has a different experience... no problems, slight hammering, beat the daylights out of it, etc.

I have the G/W ones with an early ATR pipe. It *looks* like it may clear but I haven't actually put them in yet.