Wheel spacer's safe?


Still learning!!!!!
Jul 25, 2006
So, i finished installing bigger studs last night, so i can fit spacers on to ensure my tires don't rub.. My question though, with the spacers on, (rear's only) the rim does not sit on the ring in the middle of the disk (Where the studs come out) The ONLY thing holding the rim on are the studs. Is this potentially bad for hitting bumps and what not?


I personally don't like spacers on ring gears or wheels. I have some racer friends that use wheel spacers on lighter type race cars (dragster, altered) and have no problems. Using spacers should be a last ditch solution. Check the torque on your wheels regularly.
Even if the best setup is without any spacers at all, if you absolutely have to use some, the ones which bolt to the car and that have another set of studs on them are much better than the slip on type which makes the wheel hold on to the car by the ends of the studs...

Claude :smile:
I ran low 11s with them for years but it was the ones that bolt on. Dirt track cars run them all the time,
i run the thin ones on my Buick and even my mid 9 sec mustang had em.. I asked the other guys "running 8's " that were packin the same size tires on theres and they also said they were running spacers.

I totally agree i dont like using them, but sometimes, you just need that little bit of clearance to keep the tire safe from rubbing .