What Springs Go Back In ????


New Member
Jul 19, 2001

After searching through a box of stuff that came with the car, I found a box of springs and check-balls that I think are the original BRF valve body springs BSK (Before Shift Kit). I would like to begin by returning the VB back to stock and then go from there.

How do I know which spring goes where???

Does anyone know the spring colors, lengths, diameters, etc. anything that would help me put this thing back stock??? Anything that I can identify them by??? Thanks.

Originally posted by TurboGeezer

After searching through a box of stuff that came with the car, I found a box of springs and check-balls that I think are the original BRF valve body springs BSK (Before Shift Kit). I would like to begin by returning the VB back to stock and then go from there.

How do I know which spring goes where???

Does anyone know the spring colors, lengths, diameters, etc. anything that would help me put this thing back stock??? Anything that I can identify them by??? Thanks.


Years and years of experiance. I could not tell you how but if you shipped them to me I could do it. I just cannot explain why, you would just have to understand. I could at least see the stuff and tell you what went where. Maybe a picture would work but diffecult I bet. I would be willing to try.
Thanks Bruce


I'll try and take some jpegs or something and email them to you. Since I'll probably end up with one of your shift kits in here anyway, those springs I am not too worried about. However, there are about 5 little springs here and I am not sure which ones would be replaced by your SK and which ones wouldn't.

The accumulator springs are pretty obvious which are those. It looks like one was replaced (probably 1-2). It looks like the PR spring and the TV spring were both replaced............but then there are all of those little ones:confused:

Not knowing, yet, which springs are in your kit, I figure I will try to get all of them back stock. I'll take some jpegs this weekend.

This is going to be long, but here goes

These are the measurements and colors that i got out of a stock BRF valve body:

Free height measurement to me means the measurement from the valve to the valve bushing with the spring and valve assembled. {shift valves}

Free length is the length of the spring by it self.

With out further adew:

2-3 shift valve spring{ spring is pink } FH measurement {1.070}
1-2 shift valve spring {spring is white} FH measurement {1.300}
3-4 shift valve spring { spring is yellow} FH measurement{1.090}

accum valve spring{spring is blue} FL measurement {1.245}
Line bias spring {spring is yellowish\gold} FL measurement is {1.325}

TV plunger spring is white and measuring the spring all by itself came in at 1.900. Most kits put a TV plunger spring in that usually comes in around 2.06 - 2.10.

Bruce is right; Typing is for the birds.

Hope this helps. :D
Wow, Thanks!!!

Thanks Mike!!!!

I'll let you know what I find. I just got a look at your reply and will to get the box of springs out tomorrow and see if any match what you found in your BRF. Again, thanks!!!
