what can I use off this 84 cutlass 4 door?


May 4, 2005
Got 307. Was gonna take the carb-is the intake worth anything? Also gonna take the radiator if good and the radiator shroud. Can I use the radiator support for my we4?
already gone, thanks anyways now I know. all i got was the rusty ass jack and tire iron, no time for anything else. hopefully i can figure out a way to clean the jack up. the stuff is scarce around here:frown:
Find yourself a RWD Caddy. Even one of the 80-85 FWD Eldo or Sevilles. They use the same jacks and 9 times out of 10 they have never been on the ground, or used in other words.Old people dont change flats. They just call AAA. Most if not all of the U-Pull-Its scrap the jacks before the cars hit the lot so you have to ask them to look through the pile. I've snagged a few because I saw some clean cars sitting in the hold lot before they get the fluids and freon drained out of them. All you have to do is ask and they are there for the taking. Well $5.00 anyway.