What are good plastic cleaners-- dash cover plate needs cleaning


May 28, 2001
Hi folks,
Anyone found anything that cleans up (or polishes) the various plastic surfaces in the TR?

I have my dash apart and the cover plate looks nasty-- anyone found anything that works (and doesn't take off the lettering for lights, rear defog, etc...)?

Warm water and dish soap didn't do anything to get rid of hazing and spotting.

I have used a product at a past job called Nouvs cleaner/polisher. It comes in I believe 2 different abrasive solutions, one is more aggressive, but I cant remember which one.
I am not sure where you could get it, but I know its out there, and I am pretty sure regular consumers have a source to get it.

Works awesome!
If the pieces only need minor cleaning, I would try some rain-x on it.
I've got a product called Prolong Waterless Wash And Shine.It's a cleaner and protectant.It shines and doesn't get sticky like Armor All.
i know windex should be good to go on those parts, it is what i use...and i've always heard that windex also helps to "fill" in scratches...granted it would take a lot windex to have a noticable difference...but its what we would use to "shine" up our plastic name tags when i was at the naval academy after we "brasso'd" them
Don't use Formula 409 as it will eat off the chrome and finish on plastic. Plain old windex works good for cleaning with a pure cotton cloth to dry. Not undershirts because thet sometimes use nylon thread which will scratch. Go buy all cotton diapers and wash them first. Dry them by temselves in the dryer WITHOUT dryer towels(static) and keep them segregated so that they don't get contaminated with dirt.
A good carnuba wax (not with cleaner=grit) like Mother's, will make your dash plastic look like new.;)
Originally posted by GN One Day...
Very good site, with top shelf products. Fast service and free shipping through 3/31. Several plastic polishes here:

Classic Motoring Assessories


Get some MICROFIBER towels, mitts, cleaning cloths, finishing cloths while you're there...nothing else comparable or even close!

HTH :) :) :)
Two Lane:
Thanks for turning me on to Autopia a while back. That's a lot of info to soak up there, but I've finally gotten started. Did the engine today with Einmann's Deagreaser & 303. Looks great after losing 12 years of dirt. Want to try the black opal sometime. Next weekend though I'm claying, another round of cleaner wax and putting on the Blackfire. Can't wait to see how it turns out. How do you like Blackfire so far?
GN One Day,

Glad you like Autopia...that's definitely one wonderfully helpful group of super-specialists over there! Gotta be one of the best overall examples of community Messageboards on the Web!

Just got the another coat of Blackfire on last week (2nd after initial 2-step) and plan another later this week. Will top it all off with a coat of Soveran.

My impression at this point: Shiny as Zaino, with double the depth. Incredible seems fair! :eek: :) :eek:

I also can't give enough credit to all the various MICROFIBER towels, cleaning/polishing/finishing cloths...difference in night & day.

Thanks for asking, my friend! Hope all goes well with you, too!

If I can ever help, just "holler". :)