Went to the eye dr. Check this out-


My cars suck
Jul 24, 2001
My mom finally made me go to the eye Dr., since I'm at high risk for glaucoma, and after numerous tests, leaving me blind, btw, I have no glaucoma, but I have lost part of the vision in my right eye. Its very small part, and I don't notice because it "overlaps" my left eye, so I'm not missing anything. Aparently my migrain headaches were bad enough to trigger a stroke, in my eye, and kill part of it. When I get migrains, sometimes I bust a blood vessell in my eye, so it must have been strokes. This is messed up man. I get migrains a couple times a month. Guess I better get them under control, or else I go blind at this rate! I'm only 25. Anyone ever have a headache that bad? I've tried Imitrex and some other drugs, but they didn't help. Does anyone here take migrain meds, and if so, what? Hows it work for you?
Hey turbo, I heard recently doctors have found that the Botox that is used in plastic surgery procedures has been found to eliminate migraines. You may check into that or have your doc do it to see. Mark

All life is built around blood flow just as acceleration is built around airflow. You need to adopt a balanced diet along with taking pharmaceutical based fish oil. See Dr. Sears website at www.drsears.com and begin living a more balanced lifestyle. I am almost double your age and have never felt better. Good luck to ya. Email me if you have any questions

Chris S.


Continue to see your opthamologist regularly for monitoring.

Is there also a history of diabetes in your family? If so, get fasting glucose levels done at your family Doc's regularly.

There are multiple therapies/techniques/lifestyle changes that are often effective in coping/preventing/treating migraines.

Hope the article & its links are helpful.
Did you try Excedrin? That's the only one that works for me and work pretty quickly. But I don't usually get migraines just minor headaches
My wife has migraines too. She has been prescibed several meds over the years for it. Imetrex works some. The best ones were actually epilepsy meds but they bothered her stomache (whole nother issue for her) so she couldn't take them.