We have a winner!

A few years back, when copper was at it's all time high, I was on a 12 story luxury residential construction project in East Harlem, NYC. Yes, they are building luxury in Harlem these days.

The plumbing contractor was given an apartment on the 6th floor to use as his material storage shanty. It was temporarily fortified with plywood internal sheathing, a steel door and, as always, there was 24 hour security on site.

Yet, every morning copper pipe was found stolen with no signs of entry or break-in. No one knew how. It was assumed it was the guards or the plumbers themselves.

Then, one morning I was on one of the higher floors and looked out the window. The degenerate dirt-bag junkies had spanned across from the top of the roof of the next adjacent building using a single scaffold plank to enter the window of the shanty apartment. That night they forgot to remove the plank.

Why can't you get them to work that hard at a real job?