Water pump replacement


May 26, 2001
Has anyone on the board changed out a waterpump on a 3800. I have a 96 SC Riv and the pump is leaking. Tried to get most of the accessories out of the way to gain access to the pump. Removed all but one of the bolts. This one is blocked by the power steering pump pulley. The power steering pump is a SOB to gain access. Is it easier just to get the pulley puller and pull the pulley off while the pump is still in place?

Thoughts of taking a cutoff wheel and the infamous BFH to it have come to mind.:D Fortunately, knuckles are not bleeding yet.
The pump's only 2 bolts...don't give up yet! :) On the Regal GS, the water pump is blocked by the idler pulley and the PS pulley..why the heck they didn't move both of them 1/2", I'll never know. You should be able to unbolt the PS pump, leave it hooked up, and move it over slightly to get the water pump out.
haha They sure learned how to jam this stuff in.

The power steering pump can be removed as stated above. 2 13mm bolts through the PS pulley. One is a t 12 O'clock and the other around 7 O'clock. Use a deep well 3/8" drive socket.

