Watch This: 15mile TTA on Ebay (No Reserve this time)

I've seen that one on e-bay fairly recently apparently it did not sell then I guess ... looks really nice hmmm maybe I should get another one;)
No fender emblems.
T-Top & Leather
Only 15 miles

Not bad at all, wonder what it will get up to.

Anybody else have a turbo shield with the same number of vents (only 2 rows)??

Anyone know what build number it is?
Fender Emblems are still in the bags, pictured with the door decals.

Turbo shield is the 3 rows once, hard to see the second row due to the sun light I guess but it's 3 rows in total.
I don't know that I'd say prices are coming back... 28 G's for a 15 mile TTA?? I'd say prices are coming back if it went for 30 or higher. At least for a 15 mile car!

I (over)paid for a 4k mile PERFECT car, 20k. Glad to pay that much for the condition. But if there was a 15 mile car, I might have gladly paid another 8G's for a 15 mile car... *might* being the key word. Just seems like one HELLOVA deal to me!

I'm still bummed over lack of values. Good for buyers, yes. Bad for owners.

Like I posted before... what would a 20,000+ production (in 87) GN be worth with 15 miles? Hell, they're getting over 20k all day for a 20k mile car! Gee, it hasn't been beaten on. Really.

I REALLY hope you're right. I just think it's still a STEAL for 28k.

To me, they're priceless. I'm sure most of us agree.

I do have to say though, I've never known such a tight community as we TTA owners are. That alone is worth it all. Everybody helps if they can. That really means the world to me, since I was so scared to buy such a rare car without the unique mechanical knowledge. (Y'all rock)

It would be very interesting to how many people would pay $8000 more for a 15 mile TTA compared to a 4000 mile TTA.

This car was not even a MSO car (I verified it with the seller). So in theory the new owner is legally not the 1st owner :(. I certainly would not pay $8000 more for unless it was a MSO car, which would make it a new car. Otherwise it's just an ultra low mile used car.

The 6900 mile Leather/Hardtop car hit $25,100 in bidding but not it's reserve.

I still think the low mileage TTAs (under 8K miles) are showing better resale compared to last Winter, but the other TTAs are still the same. As the high end goes up it will pull up the lower end. This is a very slow process and still a lousy investment.

- Dave
I assumed it was on MSO. If not, it's just what you said. Another ultra-low mile used car.

If I was a collector, and never wanted to drive the car there's no question I'd pay another 8G's for a 15 mile car. Now that I'm no longer scared to drive the car and break something - I made the right choice and would do it again.