Very nice but $110.000 nice?

I'm not sure how old the add is but I did'nt see it on early last week when I was looking.
Gnx 119: $80,000.00

GNX Fans,

I was the individual who had a deposit in #119. My fiscal responsibility (e.g. wife preganant) versus emotion help make this dificult decision for me.

I had a contract for $80,000.00 on the vehicle, which I believe was reasonable for the market. The Miller Brewing Company GNX with 9 mi and all the factory markings was offered at $95,000.00.

The gentleman whom bought #119 also owns GNX #547, and he is now selling #119 just to make money! It was re-sold to him also for $80,000 just hours after I decided not to purchase.

He knew the vehicle (as he lived locally) and actually contaced me directly earlier that week and offered $10k more to me to buy the car, I refused. If I did not buy the X, I did not want this car just to be bought and "flipped" (althought I was still purchasing it at that point). I wanted the car to go to the next avid collector.

He believes the car is worth $100K...who knows?

I wanted everyone to know the actual "history" behind the sale and intention of the current purchaser as a money making opportunity versus preservation of the X's.