Uh oh, wrist pin noise?


Apr 9, 2002
Just got the motor fired up with the new cam(204/214), broke it in right, changed oil and did all that stuff. Was going to put gas in it and noticed a rapping under load.
In neutral, at a steady engine speed it's dead silent, but rev it and it will rattle as rpm increase and quiet once they level out. In gear, foot braking it will rap also.
Seems to increase in volume with rpm also when in gear.
Is not very loud, but can be heard distinctly while driving windows up or down.
Oil pressure is excellent-80+ psi cold, ~20 hot idle in gear. Doesn't drop with rpm, and the noise doesn't lessen which is making me think it's not a rod bearing.
Seems to be in time with spark as best I could tell with my pos timing light, which is telling me bottom end, correct?
Anyways, what're the symptoms of a loose wrist pin?
If it's a wrist pin, am I going to have to replace the piston, or can a new pin be pressed in?
Am I going to hurt it if I drive it a limited amount? Obviously it'd be gently, I really need to get it 40 miles down the road to the painter's place, and hopefully if things work out I could yank the motor there and have it gone through while he's working on it.
Sorry for being so long, wanted to give as best a description I could.
Thanks for ANY input guys!
get it towed, a 65 buck bills gona be alot cheaper then a new block. i had a wrist pin come out in my old cutlass 3.8l and goudge a pretty bad gash down the bore and cracking the block.
What kind of symptoms was it giving you before it came loose?
Not positive that's what it is, I don't have a lot of experience with diagnosing internal noises-yet ;)
Actually, I'm thinking of yanking the motor and dragging the roller down then shoving it back in after getting the car painted, but we'll see...