Tuning questions


New Member
Dec 12, 2004
Does anyone have a write up on how to tune using a scan master? I am trying to figure out the best way to start, using a scan master and a turbo tweak alky chip. The alcohol starts spraying at 10 PSI and I am running about 22-23 PSI of boost. Things like, what to look for in the bl mode on the scan master, is that the same as “blm’s” and what should I be looking for in the Int mode?

Just looking for some advice and techniques.

Thanks for the help
use your scanmaster to set your tps and iac, and to verify your o2 sensor is active (see basics and spring cleaning on gnttype.org)

check the blms at idle to be sure the car is in good tune (see blm facts on gnttype.org)

during wot use it monitor O2 MV and KR , you want to tune for no kr in third gear and o2s in the 800s to 770s during the run

goto the alky forum on this site and read razors stickey (top of page) on tuning with his alkycontroll kit