TTA in 3rd gen cruise video


1 of 1555 (#1489)
Apr 19, 2006
I recently got together with the local 3rd gen fbodies and cruised down to South Padre Island. It was fun leading the pack :)

TTA cruise Video


PS: for those that don't know, this was Lee's TTA.

The car is looking GREAT! I couldn't get the video to run though....Was using AOL, will try again later. You've done a lot of good things to that car. :D

Nice vid looks good! The TTA's always look great in motion on the road. Makes me wanna go out and make a vid! We have another Kirban open house coming up and were going to caravan to it again. I think this time I'll take the TTA and have it lead 20 or 30 turbo Buicks down the road.. That should look good!
Easy to pick the star, isn't it!

Got the video to run now....It looks better every time you send pictures :D

I don't know how you drive so cautiously though. Well done! I have to say the improvements on the outside have really made a huge difference....Keep it up Roy, you have a gift. :)

I miss that car, its a good one.
Another TTA video

Thx guys, glad you like it.

I have another from that cruise, not the best...a bit shaky due to crossing a long Queen Isabella Crossway.. :(

Crossway TTA video

Try to Enjoy it!
Cool videos! The TTA definitely looks nice in motion.. Thanks for sharing :)