TTA #1040 for sale $17,500 Southwest Chicago Area

It is an awesome car, my time machine.....and won't be my last... I'm sure of that...

We made the decision to take it to the Barrett Jackson Auction in Scottsdale, Arizona in January 2014 and make a vacation out of it. I have always wanted to go and this is a great reason to do it.

Until then, the car is for sale for locally for $17,500 FIRM.
Thanks Kid...having a blast with it... I must have it priced right too...cause I can't sell if for nothing... only low ballers, scammers, and people with imaginary money respond to it. I thought I had it sold three times.... I am still waiting for those checks to arrive in the mail for all three...... sure is a buyers market still....getting closer and closer to Barrett Jackson though... :)