Translater Plus Question


Oct 23, 2009
I have had my Car in storage for about two years and have decided to bring it back out for the summer.
After looking everything over I can't for the life of me remember why I would have set the WOT dial in the Trans Plus to number 8 NOT USED? Can anyone tell me why one might use this setting? Also I would like to add that the car was in the paint shop before it went into storage. So maybe I didn't set it like that?

Thanks its nice to be back.
K cool. That one will work with the wot adjustment in the translator. Basically that's wot fuel jets.

The MAF WOT adjustment is for adjusting the fuel delivery under wide open throttle conditions. The fuel delivery correction is only applied during WOT conditions in order to prevent the ECM/PCM from compensating for the change.


0No Change
1=2% Rich
2=4% Rich
3=6% Rich
4=8% Rich
5=10% Rich
6=12% Rich
7=14% Rich
8=not used
9=14% Lean
A=12% Lean
B=10% Lean
C=8% Lean
D=6% Lean
E=4% Lean
F=2% Lean

I always like to start rich and work my way lean. I would try #2 or #3 and see what your wot o2's look like.
