Thrasher Chip ulock sequence??


Feb 13, 2004
I posted this in chip section but no replies. Can Anyone please provide me the unlock or start sequence procedure for the Thrasher chip? A private message would be great, thanks.
I posted this in chip section but no replies. Can Anyone please provide me the unlock or start sequence procedure for the Thrasher chip? A private message would be great, thanks.

I recommend you give Thrasher a call.
They no longer exist. I tried emailing Scott Simpson on this board. He is the guy I bought it from, but he does not seem to want to reply to my email. Hello Scott, Are you there?? Please help!!

They say they dont make chips for teh TR's anymore but do have a phone number

Distributors for THRASHER Turbo Regal (Grand National - T Type) Chips
There are NO Recommended Distributors
Due to recent complaints, THRASHER has ceased to recommend any distributors for THRASHER chips. Please note that Thrasher Engineered Performance is NOT responsible for any transactions you make with any distributors, recommended or otherwise. We have no control over their pricing for their services, we do not even know their pricing structure, and do not in any way receive any compensation from them. Any transactions you make with the party burning you a chip is solely between you and that party, and does not involve TEP at all, and TEP does not receive any compensation of any kind from that transaction. Thus, TEP offers NO SUPPORT for products purchased from distributors for this reason.
Hey guys, HELP ME OUT HERE!! I'm laying under the dash of a car in the mall parking lot......err.....I mean one that I just bought....and I need to know how to defeat the security system QUICK before the Police show up.....err......I mean my wife.:p
I can only post a portion of the start sequence here. The Thrasher voice response system needs to hear the words "Gentlemen, start your (blank)!" :D

Why are you using that chip? Back in the day, a Thrasher produced the best idle but current chips can do the same. You'll get less knock, better performance, and better mileage with a new chip.
I Am NOT using the Thrasher Chip, I am Selling one. I cannont very well make the sale w/o the security code to provide to prospective buyer. I use a Je Lubrant chip burned for my MSD 50's right now. Thanks for the replies!
ALSO Phone #'s to Thrasher are all disconnected (no longer in business). Thanks anyway.
turn key on ,put car in drive, smash gas ,put back in park, start car!!!!

From what i remember!!!!

call 941 416 7509

Thanks JD! When you say drive, do you mean the overdrive or D? Thanks, it is kind of coming back to me now.