Those with poly motor mounts

Men in Black

New Member
May 25, 2001
If you have the poly motor mounts in your car, do you notice things loosening up more frequently? I've always been surprised that bolts loosen up on my GN, but now that I have these mounts I wondering how often I have to check things. Already on the first drive the shifter cable came loose from the transmission holder.
I'm sure your trans cable was already loose. The added vibration isn't that bad.

I check my accessory bolts, A/C, P/S, etc at least once a year. I agree that these engines like to shake bolts loose, but the poly mounts will not affect it much. Just add checking bolts to your spring cleaning list and you'll be fine.
no problems

I agree w/Tow Man. I've been using both poly mounts for over a year and no problems. :)
WHat's the big reason to go with poly motor mounts? I have reg mounts and a strap - and don't want more vibration..
The poly mounts don't need a strap ever, and you can't forget the strap by accident cause you don't need it. The vibration is not bad, if anything by keeping the motor still it seems to overall smooth things out. I like em!
And you won't break those cheesy eyebolts and the alternator mounting bracket off the car too. ;)

Poly mounts are great. :)

Even salvageV6 broke the supplied cheesy eyebolt off the car in less than a week and it was adjusted properly. The forged eyebolt (McMaster Carr) I bought worked for a year or two until I got the poly mounts however.
Some have also stated that they had fewer head gsket problems too using the poly mounts and doing away with the strap. The newer version of the mounts have a slightly softer poly and the vibration is actually minimal. I love mine. Heck my et streets make more vibration than the poly mounts do.