Thinking of writing a book


Jul 12, 2013
About a bastard in love. Nothing fancy just some printer paper and some staples. Probably going to title it Bastard in Love.
Or , "hold my beer and watch this."

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
It's gonna be more of a realistic view of how dating in the 21st century is f****d, but yeah there are going to be some "hold my beer moments."-D
Better be an ebook. Buttholes can't put their phone down even during a date.....shit, I'm doing this from my phone.

currently cutting it the F loose
I was thinking of writing one, also. Mine was going to be a coffee table book. I am calling it... 100 people I want to punch in the face and why. It's a love story.. Guys at work said I better make it a thousand!!

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
It was a dark and sexy night...........I begin a lot of stories like this
I can't read so put lots of pictures in it and I'll buy it

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app