They're Back- GBody !

sorry for the delay guys

We normally get on a daily basis 200-300 e-mails. Today after cleaning out the cluster we had just over 2000.
I now have 47 that I kept new that I have to go back see what happened during shipping.
That is not Buicks that is all Gbodies.I'm about worn out. 3 phone lines all day non stop.4.5" of paper work of orders we need to get out tomorrow.It was about 7" but we shipped our butts off today.

Ok so What the hell happened LOL
In a Nut shell cable,utility companies,& some contractors caused our major delays.
Not to mention we lost about 10 employees from moving.
1 was nice enough to come down here but he stole an 87 Purple Monte SS the weekend before last. Giving him the benefit of a doubt I will be reporting that stolen tomorrow 10 days is a good enough grace period.
If you see a purple 87 SS with torque thrust wheels & a drunken hillbilly behind please shoot me an e-mail :biggrin:

Long story short we are back up & shipping.
Alot of other things have been going on but that is more family related health & we all have to deal with that at 1 time.

If you try calling & get the answer machine or busy signal we will get back to you via e-mail worst case scenario.

I would just like to thank every one for their patience. Those of you with none it doesn't bother me I deal with those personalities daily(just part of the business).:D
Thanks for hanging in there & your continued support. I really do appreciate the positive posts.