The Wrath of California on the OREO Cookie

Heh, cookies eaten in excess cause obesity and ultimately health problems from being too fat. Wow, what a revelation! String that wacko up by his cajones. Another example of the gross abuse of the legal system.
I saw that News Story on MSN yesterday. People are just too sue happy these days. Look if you like Oreo's eat them, but if you eat a bag at a time you will get fat, if you look on the back of every food item it shows how many calories are in it, and unless you are completely brain dead you should know that high caloric/fatty foods will make you gain weight. That story reminded me of that guy who tried to sue McDonalds because he didn't realize that if he ATE there all the time he would gain weight. Duh, what a dummy, come on doesn't know if you eat McDonalds every day you have a high chance of gaining weight and getting fat. I hope I am not coming across as being a heavy person hater, both my parents are obese, and I have been at different points in my life to be on the heavy side, but I know that a healthy diet and EXERCISE are key to a healthy life. I just get so angry when people try to blame other people for their mistakes.

Mike Dreger
How ridiculous

Some people just have too much time and money and what is even more embarassing there are actually lawyers out there who support things like that!
If you don't like what's in it, don't buy it! If you don't want your kids to eat something then don't let them! If you need money then get your fat butt of the couch and WORK, for crying out loud, instead of wasting other people's time with lawsuits like this!
Things like that piss me off!
Yeah, CA is a neat place. They can't win the Oreo case or it will open the door to banning every food they deem unhealthy. After food, who knows what they will go after. And to those of you who have never been around the liberal anti-war anti-food crowd, they are some of the most violent and hateful people I've met. It's like they have a brain defect and common sense is completely missing. You can argue but as soon as you make a point you get a deer in the headlights look. They really have something wrong upstairs.
Just another POS money grubbing worthless gutless good-for nothing useless drain on society dikless scum eating blood sucking lawyer looking for some free advertising...:mad:

Hope the phuquer chokes to death on a rice cake...
Kevin tell us how you really feel :):):)

I know I have thought about the USELESS strain these cases put on the courts.

Lawyers actually contribute nothing to society. they shift money from one persons pocket to anothers WHICH is there own! :(
First off Hydrogenated oils are in fact bad for you, especially in excess. ;)

They are fully approved however and used in just about anything you eat mass produced.

Good old whipped fat. :eek:

Sueable? I don't think so......

Maybe if he wins the Oreos will go to having Lard in them. :D
Tommy Franks being sued..

They said they were going to file some stupid lawsuit against him before the war started. I think that's a bunch of crap that'll fall by the wayside. Besides, the US doesn't recognize the international court's ruling anyways.

As for lawyers, they really get a bad rap. Just like any profession, there are legitimate lawyers out here that really don't get recognition because the dark cloud looming over all of them. Just take Buick vendors for example.

As for the Oreo lawsuit. *SIGH*. Hopefully it'll get thrown out of court by the judge instead of going to trial:eek:
I dont care what they say, dip those suckers in milk. UMM, I can fell my arteries harding now! :D
The double stuffs are my favorites. I've been eating Oreos, McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, etc. my whole life. I live on that stuff. I'm 6'1" 190lbs. What am I doing wrong? Based on these lawsuits, I should be 390lbs by now.
i have seen this before, a lawyer has to pay o legal fees becasue they are the lawyer, just have to give up some time, and with something so stupid as this, all they are tying to do is get a name in th emarket. ther is a fix to this, in britian ther is a law that the loser, whoever that may be in a case pays the opponets legal fees, so soemone can get the best of the best and do whatever that need to do to pleed their case, and if they win then they don't have to pay a cent, but if you lose , you lose big, oreo had do dish out a bunch of money i am sure for this jacka$$es little stunt, thats some real crap
Oreo .... Tommy Franks????

Not sure how we got from cookies to Tommy Franks so quickly but I guess that "case" is very interesting as well.

Knowing quite a bit about International Law I REALLY wonder how a Belgium Lawyer can sue a American general who allegedly committed crimes in Iraq before a Belgian court? And even more important how will they try him? He is certainly not going to Belgium any time soon. I also wonder which rules of evidence will apply and what evidence if any is actually available and admissable but these are just boring legal questions that this lawyer won't be able to answer in the moment!

We also heard that this Belgium lawyer is running for office right now, wonder if that has anything to do with it??

P.S Hope this is not turning into an argument over the worth of lawyers in society.
Re: Oreo .... Tommy Franks????

Originally posted by gn85girl

We also heard that this Belgium lawyer is running for office right now, wonder if that has anything to do with it??

FREE POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT.. Bring a suit against something or someone famous & get your name in the MEDIA..

It is actually a good move if you need work as a lawyer or
have the need to be a no good politican.