TH400 conversion... driveshaft pics...

I'm currently sitting on a BOP TH 400. I listed it for sale
on here, but no bites as of yet.
Should I keep this thing? It was taken from a non-running
71 Rivvy. I've heard these trannys are bullet proof.
And my 2004-R is giving me problems as of late, anyway.
It sounds as though the swap isn't extremely difficult. Any
Heath said:
Yullose, how much did you cut off your front springs? I like the way your car sits.

Exactly 1 full coil on the driver side, and 1.25 coils on the pass side.
After first cutting 1 coil off both, the car leaned to one side. (high on pass side)
Having moved the battery to the trunk, I assumed that was partly to I lopped off another quarter coil from the RF spring and that put me dead level.
mrmixer2 said:
I'm currently sitting on a BOP TH 400. I listed it for sale
on here, but no bites as of yet.
Should I keep this thing? It was taken from a non-running
71 Rivvy. I've heard these trannys are bullet proof.
And my 2004-R is giving me problems as of late, anyway.
It sounds as though the swap isn't extremely difficult. Any

If you can live without OD, it will be the last tranny you have to build for your car.
I'd love to have a bulletproof 200R4 in my car... I just cannot afford $2500+ to sink into a 200R4 that 'may' last a few seasons of abuse at best... when a TH400 can be built for a few hundred dollars and last for years.