telemarketers suck...................


Staff member
TurboBuick.Com Supporter!
Dec 7, 2002
Sorry if I offend anyone here that is a telemarketer, but they call at the absolute shi***est times:mad: . Supper, giving the kids a bath, etc. We dont even answere the phone anymore if a phone # does not come up on the ID. We probably have 5-8 a day, how about you guys?
Telemarketing companies are scum. Ive worked at 3.. the nicest one was disguised as a big professional corporation, AKA Protocol, but behind the corproate BS its just another telemarketing BS cube farm. Even when PROVIDIAN customers would call to ACTIVATE their credit cards we had to "SELL" them additional membership packages.. /i hate them all.

If you do answer it, and they say "I'm calling on behalf of" ... HANG UP!
As long as you have an answering machine to screen calls, here is the fix.......

I did this starting 10 years ago and it works like a charm. You have to let your friends know what is up or else they think your phone is disconnected. I came up with a perfect script to follow the tones. It goes like this:

(the three tones first) followed by:

"We're sorry, the person you have reached is not in service at this time. If you feel you've reached this in error, please consult your directory or leave a message at the sound of the tone."

Then your answering machine tone is sounded and those that know you can leave a message. This ended the telemarketers reign of terror. The only downside like I said, is that certain important calls to you may not get through. 99% of the time, people hang up immediatly when the three tones are heard. :D
Originally posted by Joe 1320
I did this starting 10 years ago and it works like a charm.

So how many telemarketer calls do you get per day now?
Call your phone company and see if they offer "Security Screen" service, which blocks telemarketing calls! We've had it for a couple of years, and haven't had a telemarketer call since! Bargain at $2.95 per month!
I got a fun little caller ID box at Radio Shack:


The button on the right is for a recording "we're sorry, we are not accepting calls of this nature. Please remove us from your list"

I doubt they actually do it, they don't care that it's the law since it's a worthless job and they don't care if the company goes under. Never know who they're with anyway. It's still fun to cut them off with it. ;) It was the last one in the store, but some others may still have them.
Originally posted by lyonsd
So how many telemarketer calls do you get per day now?

None. :cool: maybe once or twice a month I'll be home when the phone rings, the answering machine picks up, but they hang up before it gets to the portion where they can leave a message. You can't stop your number from being sold to telemarketing lists, but your number gets dropped quick. ;)
I used to get an untold number of annoying sales calls. A few years back, Tennessee devised a statewide Do Not Call List. Ever since that, a telemarketing call is very rare. Check with your state to see if you have this option.
Charitys are the worst

The FOP (Fraternal Order Of Police) called me about a year ago wanting a donation for there officer death fund or some such thing. Money to be paid out if an officer is killed. They wanted something like 30 bucks I told them no but I could afford to give them 10 cause I thought it sounded like a good cause. (Big Mistake) Anyway they sent me a bill with some kinda sticker for my car and I sent them the check for 10 bucks. Three months later they call again wanting more money. Well it was the year change and I thought this was a donation for the next year so I gave them another 10 bucks. Get the bill and another sticker for the same year as the last one. I had told the guy on the phone that I had donated the year before. 1 month later we get another call from FOP wanting a donation. I told them I already gave and they said their records didn't show I'd sent the check. I said my records show you cashed it and the guy runs some kinda guilt trip on me wanting more money. I said no and hung up. These guys now call at least 5 to 10 times a week. We never answer the phone because they come up on the caller ID. Can't get them to stop either because their a charity and can call whenever they want. I would probably donated 10 bucks or more a year to them till the end of time but after this crap they'll never see another dime.
Holy crap! You too huh? Started as the local FOP chapter, then it was the state troopers assoc, then another, and another, and another, till I was getting shake down calls every 4-5 weeks from these yahoos. Long and the short of it I now use the tele-zapper and I might get one or two a week as opposed to 4-5 a night.
Wow another FOP or police organation:eek: I donated once to this,they called back time after time,luckily it was through my business that I did this.I told them the last time they called that I was slow, and could not afford it.So far no more calls.If our home phone rings I normally wont answer it,everone who knows me, calls me on my cell.
I hate telemarketers[wheres the machine gun blast smiley when you need one]
