Super Bowl 2014 in the Meadowlands

I heard. What if there is a blizzard that weekend ? Will the other team play against the Patriots ?
I like the idea of SPREADING the Wealth. Why should the same places reap the benifits of the SBOWL.

The Best is it will be REAL football conditions. :smile:
>>> You're right I live here and hate it, there is a reason we can't pump our own gas here as we aren't bright enough to do it.

You are bright enough its your POLITICIANS that don't think so. Maybe Christie will change that or do they have a UNION GAS PUMPERS ASSOCIATION? :rolleyes:
Ouch better be carefull what you say about state bashing. some get bet out of shape about it :eek:


I spent the first 18 years of my life in New Jersey...:mad: I made my escape when it was legal to do so:D I loved growing up there, I go there to visit family several times a year, I like the geographic features of the location. What I hate is the Communist pricks that have turned the state into a total rip off.... insurance premiums-way too high, Property values-inflated so they can tax you blind, Taxes themselves-My parents pay 7K a year in property tax (that's 2.8% of the total value of the house) , The taxpayers money paid to the state should help maintain the roads-you have to pay to drive on the NJ Turnpike or the Parkway. I can go on and on, really if you ask most people from the State they will agree on those items, their just willing to accept it. Not this cat, I moved so I can get more bang for the buck, drive my cars without getting raped on insurance, pay less for property, oh yeah and the whole hunting and guns issue...