Stock Radiator Re-Rout.


May 25, 2001
Stock Radiator Re-Rodded.

has anybody ever done it and is it worth it, my stock radiator is looking pretty clogged up and dirty on the inside, they will do it for $50.00 down the street, any board member have any imputs, and what kind of cooling gains did you all get from doing this?

thanks in advance
Since you have a motor and trans worth a few thosand dollars to replace, you want to spend only $50 to have an old, wore out radiator "fixed" and have it protect these items?

Sorry about my cynical comment, but radiators do wear out. They were cheap, 70's old-tech to start with when new. Have not seen in the past few years, an original radiator from a turbo car that was able to flow over 50%.

You want cooling gains, get a new radiator or a good new core for yours.
Here's a radiator fact that surprised me- I had a leaking radiator side tank on my '94 Chevy K-Blazer replaced at 130K miles, and even though the inside of the radiator looked spotless, a friend advised I should have it rodded out anyway.

The truck's operating temperature dropped from 200º to nearly 190º !!

If your rad LOOKS clogged and dirty, imagine the improvement from a new replacement core.
Just get a new rad from Nick Micale.

Hey Nick, I'll let you know when I'm ready to buy that complete unit.
radiator cost!!

Hey Nick how much for one of your new radiators!! I think I need to replace mine!!
