Stge 2 for oval track


Jul 19, 2003
Cant be used a block stage2 which this already prepared to run in oval in the modality of drag, this block removed the lower bottom of pasanger side part that gives to support the bottom side to put dry sump whith side pic up crank to of side

Spell check please. Be sure to add a few more commas and periods. It is hard to read fragmented thoughts.
Broken thoughts or broken English

Yes broken thoughts are difficult but he most likely struggling with the translation.. Note where he is from, I have several friends that speak broken English and is often just like this..

Sorry rogerv6 I honestly don't know exactly what you are asking or I would try and answer but I just wanted to point out the situation..

Hope this helps a little Dave
It *sounds* like he's refering to using a block that has had the passenger side pan rail milled down for an aluminum or aftermarket pan for circle track racing[upside down,the passenger pan rail is lower than the driver's side].
Is that it Roger,one rail a different height than the other?
Correct me if I'm wrong here.
Roger:I gather from you're message that you need a pan suitable for drag racing with the uneven side rails.
Are you planning on staying dry sump,or going with a wet sump?