Starting XFI update...

Fuelie Nova

Sep 9, 2005
I am getting ready to update my XFI to 2.0.1. I know I have to paste in the injector offsets and learning data.
Can I still use my old .gct tuning file or do I have to start from scratch?
In addition to the injector offsets, you will want to make sure the internal data logger trigger and rev-limiter is correct.
I have found the injector offsets to be off. You will almost certainly have to tweak that table.
Staying on the same thread...I have my update downloaded, payed for the Key from i have two files ready to go to the XFI box...Before i do that, an i screw the pooch..heh...what do i have to save an how from the way it is now?? I'm hearing couple things need to be saved an transfured as well as the two updates from FA.S.T., this correct?? Cals a busy man an i want everything loaded perfect before a Dyno session!...8^)

Brent aka Bozo