Shipping wheels and tires help


New Member
Aug 16, 2002

I need to ship some wheels and tires and was looking at UPS and FedEx Ground to ship them. Do I need to box up everything or can I just cover the wheels to protect them and leave the tire exposed?

Thanks for any help,
Chuck I had some wheels and tires shipped to me from a member and all he did was put a heavy duty cardboard covering the wheel (front and back) and exposing the some of the tire. The carboard was nicely wrappred with some plastic/tape.

No issues and was shipped delivered by UPS.

I shipped a pair and did the same thing. I did fill the wheel cavity with styrofoam peanuts to make less crushable and I let most of the air out of the tire. Dunno if compressed air weighs anything or not? My luck would be it's an anomoly of physics and would cost me more whichever way I didn't do it. :(
I know with US postal if the tire is dismounted they will take them as long as you wrap a label.
I think the same for UPS.

As for rims best to put 2 per box or if you can go to a rim/tire dealer like NTW they will be happy to give you rim boxes.
Thanks for the help. I checked with UPS and the average shipping for a wheel/tire at 40lb is $30 each. That's $120 for 4. Seems high to me.
I think mine from here to lower Alabama was something like $25 for two via FedEx Ground (which IMO is the best anyhow). They are significantly less than UPS. Might take one by their walk-up location and have it weighed and measured to get the proper cost estimate. There's a location near me so that's what I did.
i would strongly advise aginst shipping stuff fedex.

i work with a guy who has worked for both fedex and ups, from what he says fedex is about as rough on boxes as you can get. wouldnt' matter much for wheels and tires (mounted i'm guessing) but anything else i wouldnt' do it. too many storys of throwing boxes to see if anything breaks, smashign boxes to make them fit, that sort of thing.

ups frowns on that sort of thing, i guess they care a little.