Security Systems


Pedal Masher !!!
Jul 22, 2002
Anyone have any recommendations on a good security system for the GN. I prefer the silent type (fuel line locks, silent pager, electric shutdown). Not the screaming alarms or loud beepers.

Right now I have the Kirban mystery security (removable fuse) and this is getting old..

Let me know what is out there.
I'm a big proponent of LoJack and the LoJack Early Warning System. If they get past my kill switch and Viper alarm (yes, the audible alarms sometimes DO scare the thieves off, so get one!) the EWS will call my cellphone if my car starts without my special keyfob in the car. This isnt a pager alarm, it's satellite operated, so I could be in China and it would work. After it calls me I call LoJack and activate the standard recovery system and go find the car. Finally, I deliver a serious whoopin' to some poor sap. :)
I have the Viper alarm and I think it works well but I also put in one of Caspers thumbwheel chips with the anti-theft setting wich I like alot. If they do get by the alarm the won't beable to start the car so the only thing they could get away with is maybe the stereo.
The more protection,the better.Make it real tough for thieves.
That flashing LED on the dash and the siren makes them think twice.Nobody wants to be seen and possibly caught.
Just don't advertise which alarm you have.:)
I use Powerlock. It saved my car this week as the thieves broke the column, ripped out the wiring of the alarm, but I still have my car.

call Nick at for details