Second Amendment - Dr. Susan Gratia


Tall Unvaccinated Chinese Guy
Dec 14, 2004
GREAT video! :cool:

Dr. Suzanna Gratia-Hupp actually ran for office in Texas and won her seat on the premise that if everyone was armed, people would be better protected and there would be less crime.
Note: Dr. Suzanna Gratia-Hupp subsequently became a member of the Texas legislature. She was instrumental in the passing of the concealed handgun license [CHL] law in Texas and later relaxation of restrictions in that law.

The last 5 seconds may be the best.

Here's a video that I guarantee you won't forget anytime soon! She didn't cry, although she came close to losing it, and she gave those a reality check they dearly needed.

Texas girl, Suzanna Gratia-Hupp, had the encroachment on her second amendment rights so graphically illustrated.

The room was absolutely dead quiet throughout her testimony and the gun banners (meaning Senators who want to BAN citizens' ownership of all guns) absolutely speechless as this little Texas gal chews them up and spits them out. She knows what the 2nd amendment is really all about. Watch it. You will be glad you did. And pass it along if you so choose.
From my cold dead hands! I've watched that many times and her story is a sad one. I salute her for standing up to the crooks in DC.
WOW! That was intense. Seems to be a great woman. We could use her in MA
