Scotland vs Great Britain


Double you eee what?
Apr 7, 2010
Does anybody care or have an opinion on Scotland leaving the U.K.? My father in law is English and my mother in law Swiss so I've heard lots on a subject I'd otherwise know very little about. Interested in what you guys have to say. It is a big deal either way it goes.
At least they won't have to go through a civil war to get their Independence. Aside from the economic stand point of things, I hope they can sustain the economy without the help of The U.k. If they win their Independence, they will find out soon enough it isn't what it's all cut out to be. Business will fail miserably! Economy will collapse crime will rise...
No independence for them. The English have treated the Scotts like crap for a thousand years. They are promising to give them more control. Ya, right. The English think they are so superior their shit don't stink. Well it does.
my knowledge on the subject is lacking but from what i've heard; england says they can't continue to use the pound, the bank of scotland says they will relocate to london, there's nothing to back a new currency, their standing in the EU is not definite, and their economy is reliant on imports, which, will not be subject to transit across UK territory, not Scottish.

so it's like quitting your job without having a new one ready.
My family is Scottish by decent and other than my mother, we still are. I hope that Scotland gets independence after all the centuries of getting screwed by the English.
Would have been a nice "test run" for us here in TX, I'm all for independence. Our feds haven't performed up to snuff in my lifetime and I'm old!
I was just there on holiday last month. Heard a little about this from the horses mouth..... English say the Scotts won't last if they do get their independence. They will eventually run out of resources to fund the country. The English also hope to NOT switch to the EURO. Saying it'll really screw up their economy.