Regal Doors, 2 3/4" exhaust

Dude if you want these doors, ill take more pics and you can have them for $200 plus shipping. I need to get rid of all this stuff. They would need blasted to clean them up for paint and they do have dings but no rust issues.
Ok I guess the exhaust is back up for sale. Thought it was sold but it didnt. 175$ takes it or I can fix it for 200$. Still no offer on doors?
Can u take more pics of them? I just went to look at doors today where the bottoms looked like those but the metal was soft and there was rust on the sides on the doors on the inside
U have time to wire brush them? Interested in the silver one along with opposite side black one. More pix of this pleaseee
Lots of people need doors....noboby wants to pay what they're worth. :rolleyes:

Good luck with the sale....Bump for a good price on a good set of doors.:cool:

I need a door too but the shipping would be more than what he's asking for the door
if the exhaust is 2.50, I would be willing to come down and pick it up in Kansas...

I am in Nebraska....

Ok I guess the exhaust is back up for sale. Thought it was sold but it didnt. 175$ takes it or I can fix it for 200$. Still no offer on doors?

I am interested in the exhaust the way it sits shipped to 59714.
I apologize, I didnt realize I put the wrong size down. This is what I am looking for and would be willing to just come and get it from you in Kansas....

pm me or just call me....402.438.0430