red t type in movie


Mar 5, 2006
watched a movie on netflix last night called born to race. nice red t type in movie. at one scene regal is brake boosting to race a 55 chevy. decent movie and the car looked real good
Just saw this on Netflix as well!! Haven't watched the whole thing, just noticed the TR at the screen shot for Netflix so skiped through to the scenes with it in it. Just watched the Belair race scene..besides it supposedly being at 15vacuum when it was already into the race, well done!
You can see it in this youtube video at the 4:11 mark:

Or better yet, here at 3:36 and see the race vs. the Bel Air:

The whole movie is on Youtube in parts.
The car looks sharp. I really like the color. I would NEVER do my WH1 in that color....but I could see picking up another for it! I want a second one anyways! lol
Not a bad movie. Had a very after-school special vibe going but, all-in-all a solid car movie. The T is bad ass.