Raise your hand if you got cored out by the tax man this year


Active Member
May 29, 2001
Uncle Sam got over on me pretty good this year. :mad: Between taxes, $2 a gallon gas, half a million dollar homes here in So Cal, paying for health insurance since I'm self-employed, etc......the working man is really screwed these days. Maybe it's time for a second job so I can pay even more taxes. :rolleyes:
The only thing that saved me was 4 kids. at $500 a pop each it is a drop in the bucket for what they cost me to feed, send to private school.

I feel for you man.. You keep the economy going & Uncle takes away.
I got a ton of money back this year. It helps that I lost a ton of money in the stock market, pay way too much for a home mortgage/property taxes, day care and my wife who finally graduated from college after 10 years. Of course the check has already been spent to pay down credit card bills.
I got a nice little deposit into my checking account today from the IRS.:D Today is payroll for my company, and I stopped on the way to work to get some cash. The balance was about $5k higher than I thought it should be. I was standing in front of the ATM thinking what checks I had written against my account..."mortgage, car payment, electric...hmmm...AHHH...must be my refund".
Anyway...it'll just get put away into the savings for now.
I did change my withholding to keep more cash in my pocket instead of Uncle Sam's. ;)
I got 4k back, with one kid:D

I know they say that getting a big refund is bad, and that the money makes no interest, but for my wife and I it is an easy way to save and we cant waste it. Now all my credit cards are paid off. :cool:
I got hosed this year.

Side job income sent out a W-2 Misc. this year. :(

Taxes and S.S. took 40% of it. Stock losses and a lower tax rate in the charts plus business expense writeoffs helped a bit.

Still had to pay a bit this year for the first time in history. :(

I used to love getting that $1K refund.

Good news is I just raised my rates 15%. :D