PTE Turbo Saver


The Buick Manual CD Guy
Jun 26, 2001
Low miles. I have everything but the filter.

Would also consider partial trade for Translator setup.

No thank you. Looking to get a bit more than that out of it.

I paid $150 for it used and I have never put it on a car.
You mentioned a filter is missing. Is this readily available? I have never actually seen one before. What kind of filter does it use?
Filters are readily available. Kit comes with a Wix. I also cross referenced and bought a NAPA Gold too. Just put one in my car this past weekend. Nice kit! I can supply #'s for both of those filters if needed. Filters are beefy and much larger than the PF 52's. If you want to see a pic, SE Turbo has a link to one on their website.
Evans has you covered! He absolutely right on all accounts.

I have the WIX part number as well. All you need to do is have it cross referenced with what ever brand you like. I prefer the WIX or the Baldwin, but I have used Purolator in a pinch.

The WIX and the Baldwin are huge filters. They take a full quart to fill them up.