Pros vs cons on using plenum spray plate for Alky injection?


calm as Hindu cows
Jun 8, 2001
Can you guys give me your two cents (based on scientific facts or just preference) on which method of injecting alcohol is best, nozzle injection at the up pipe or via a plenum spray plate (like Jay Carter's stealth set-up). I know there has to be some difference between the two in regards to atomization.:confused:
My $.02. The plate might interfere with flow #s of my RJC power plate. I have trouble with the idea of drilling the up pipe, but the plate is expensive. Some throttle bodies are available with nox passages - not the TR & would these passages support alky?
i have the jay carter alky plate installed, but i have yet to use it in the 2 years i have owned it...i was thinking of buying the smc products needed to get my alky working, and incorporate it with the plate, now that this power plate has come to market and seems to be working really well, i am not sure what i want to do...I was thinking of trying out putting the PP above the alky plate and doing some testing and tuning on the street/track, if the alky plate doesnt work well with teh alky, i will probably go ahead and sell the alky plate and go with a full smc kit....the part that sux is i can not do anything until i get back in august off deployment

Originally posted by V8_bait
Can you guys give me your two cents (based on scientific facts or just preference) on which method of injecting alcohol is best, nozzle injection at the up pipe or via a plenum spray plate (like Jay Carter's stealth set-up). I know there has to be some difference between the two in regards to atomization.:confused:

Getting the distribution even is the trick the upper plenum, and lower pelnum both bias air/ water to the rear cylinders.

With the up pipe there is a better chance for vaporization, and that will get better distribution (IMO).

If the spary bar, had feeders that leas to the 6 ports so each cylinder for sure got the same fluid it would be neat. getting the fluid right in by the valve should be best for atomization, and knock suppression
has anyone ever drilled and tapped into the runners. i know it sounds like a lot of work but it is something that can help the distribution of the mixture. or do you guys think that it may just puddle on the valve seat?.....