Powemaster Failure??

zues 87 gn said somethingn a different thread that I want to expand on . The powermaster failure is and indication on something going wrong with the braking system and not necesarily the powermaster itself . I had alot of the problems people are describing with their powermaster . I took mine out right away because it failed and I wasnt going into the expense of trouble shooting it . I switched to vacuum . I still had some braking issues . I have found out that it is simple a 14.00 rubber brake line that goes to the caliper . That has created my braking issue . We are driving 20 year old cars that dont get driven much .
My point is this . If you keep having power master issues maybe it isnt the powermaster but a component of the braking system over all that is causing the powermaster not to function .
Here is the best anology , I like anologies, The powermaster is just like your heart . without exercise your arteires clog . The way way to fix this problem is to get from in front of this screen and drive your car . Youll both run better.
Here is the best anology , I like anologies, The powermaster is just like your heart . without exercise your arteires clog . The way way to fix this problem is to get from in front of this screen and drive your car . Youll both run better.
Well said.