Poor Fuel Economy after storage


Oct 10, 2013
So I have driven the the car for two weeks since its been out of hibernation for about 3 months. It doesn't seem to be getting the same fuel economy as before. Any suggestions to why? I ran through the "old" gas and a new tank and they both produced about 10 mpg compared to 16+ last fall. Mods in the signature.

Thanks for the suggestions
I would replace the fuel filter if you haven't done it in a couple years. When my mileage dropped off I replaced the filter and that fixed it. Also, if the bracket is rusty, Kirban sells a nice stainless bracket.
Thanks for the replies. I replaced the filter last fall, not long before putting the car away actually. I had a bottle of dry gas in the car will it was sitting. I'll keep an eye on the mileage as I run it some more. Its only had about 300 miles ( two tanks ) since reviving it. You could be right about the winter gas. 6 mpg loss seemed a bit extreme to me was all.

Thanks again.