Man that bike brings back fun memories! Those were ultralight, I had a used one I bought back "then" but I remember I cracked the frame :biggrin: Now I want my pink Hutch back...lol

If it was a trickstar I bet you want it back. It's worth a damn lot. I sold one NOS in 2007 for $2,400 on ebay. I was pretty shocked it did that kind of money.
Wow, does that ever bring back memories. I remember mowing lawns all summer for Oakley grips, Haro pads and sealed bearings for my Redline! I guess some things never change, now I'm working for that 3" DP, TA49 Turbo and cat-back exhaust!

This is one I sold last year, 2007 retro looptail. Haro plate is autographed by Stu Thompson.
Do you have something "not" so nice for my 5yr old,or maybe you can recommend something, was a bmx'r back in the 80,but just into redline,and mongoose,not as hard core as you...so something for a 5yr old..thanks for any help...looks like a sweet bike and very tempting... Dennis :)

They make a Ripper X for medium size kids and a mini ripper as well as a lil' ripper with 16 inch wheels. Check www.coloredtuffs.com, Ed usually has the full SE line on his website. My daughter had a Ripper X till she outgrew it this year.